Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More TAD-ery

Soooo TAD is keeping us all very busy, which is a good thing! Challenge is good. I have a few pieces to throw here, some poster progression mostly. Today we started our Pen and Ink portion of our Media class with George Pratt, and it's going to be pretty fantastic. George's work is killer, and I'm excited to be getting some feedback from him. I'll be doing a study of a Jeff Jones piece in particular.

Anyways, to the art -

First, a few photos I took of the Lou Ruvo building in downtown Vegas, for a sketchbook assignment. This building is amazing!

And then, the poster progress I have so far. Last image is most recent, and the progress I've been making on it is rewarding. Getting constructive criticism is AWESOME!

That's it out of me for now. I'll have more coming this weekend. I'll probably be doing a post on the construction of my cast drawing station, which has been interesting to say the least ;)

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